
You know I'm good with words right?
Well I wish I could adequately describe the physical, emotional and psychological battle raging within me as I get used to life without nicotine.
* I'm winning.*
*** I will win. ***
But heavens above! I envy anyone who managed to give up smoking with ease. It is *not* easy!
I have muscle cramps. I am *very* snappy with *everyone*. I'm having terrible dreams. Night sweats. I live next to a convenience store so tobacco is readily available any time.
It's shitty!

ยท 21ยท 1ยท 35

So please excuse me while I eat my weight in Ritz Crackers ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Write music, write poems, ride your motorcycle into the country far away from convenience stores, take up a new art form you've never done before that you don't associate with smoking. (Maybe one that is flammable or makes your hands messy, so it's not possible to smoke.)

So many better addictions to substitute than Ritz crackers!

@AlphaCentauri ๐Ÿคฃ I was only kidding about the crackers. I have had a few as a treat and put the rest away!
Thanks for the great suggestions.
I've been playing my guitar quite a bit today. I shall be released!

@stueytheround Iโ€™ve been through this too, Stuey. These helped me a bunch. It doesnโ€™t do anything for the physical withdrawal symptoms, but it does help with the hand to mouth and extra fidgetyness. You can do this ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ

@scottronaut5150 Sugar free lollies are more fun ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

@stueytheround yeah the cranky side is always heightened to the max when the nicotine is leaving our systems ๐Ÿ˜†

Keep in keeping though

wish I could stop myself ๐Ÿ˜†

@stueytheround hoo brother, that is torturous. But you got this--STAY STRONG! โœŠ

We both appreciate your support at this challenging time @rpardee. @stueytheround

@stueytheround you can do it!... yes I know it's a meme but still, You can do it!

@stueytheround Hang in there. It's difficult (one of the most difficult things I ever did), but it's so worth it for you and your family. ๐Ÿ‘

@stueytheround - Stay strong Stuey. Nicotine and who know what else is in cigarettes to keep you smokin' that shite to feed an addiction was built in from the start. Your struggle to quit is real, it's hard. But it is 100% worth the fight. You've got this!!!

@stueytheround The addiction to nicotine is comparable to narcotics. The manufacturers gradually increased the amount, and also added extra components to make sure it got absorbed more readily, making addicts of smokers. Give yourself credit for overcoming all that! It's a huge thing, good for you for your efforts! Consider that you'll be gaining your health & getting control over yourself rather than paying the tobacco companies for their control over you. Stick with it Stuey!

@stueytheround Try heating pads for the cramps, cool packs for the sweats ๐Ÿ˜‰ You can do this, keep reminding yourself who you are doing it for (including yourself ๐Ÿ’š) Mine was made easier by the fact I had smoked only outside for 20+ years (my daughter has a lung condition)... Remember we are cheering you on ๐Ÿค—

@AnneW Thank you. I've done it before. I can do it again. I know this stage will pass. Another week or two at worst and then it will ease off. I keep telling myself, "No! I don't smoke. I am a non-smoker."
I hadn't considered a heat pack. That's a great idea. If it helps Eleanor with her period pains, it can help me too.

@stueytheround ๐Ÿซ‚ you can do this!! Use this feeling to create some music perhaps.
I admire you for what you have accomplished so far, is not an easy task.

@stueytheround I can't relate to the smoking part, but i'll cheer you on Stuey. Living so near to a store has to be incredibly difficult. ๐Ÿ˜• Perhaps if you try and keep your hands busy (um, that sounds weird but you know what i mean ๐Ÿ˜‚). You could try journaling about how you're feeling when you have your worst cravings (bonus that it'll help get out frustrations without taking it out on anybody). Hang in there, it's worth the effort! โค๏ธ๐Ÿค—

@stueytheround I believe it!! Habits take time to unlearn, so cut yourself a break and stay positive, ok?!


oh, i feel for you, Stuey. it is tough, but you're having an extra hard time.

hang in there, this too shall pass ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

@stueytheround You deserve all the kudos, friend!!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

@stueytheround Praying for you. I had a cousin whose lungs were so compromised he could barely walk across a room, but he couldn't give up the cigarettes. Glad you are fighting the fight.

I was at 2 packs a day. Deciding on a 'healthier' route, I switched to rolling my own cigs using rolling paper & a very tasty pipe tobacco. I loved it (the junk they put in commercial cigarette tobacco is very nasty), & decided to not think about quitting, but to focus on all the awful stuff smoking was doing to me (stains on everything grey flegm, etc.). About 2 years later I didn't want it any more, threw out the stuff & quit cold turkey. The next 2 months were bad. Good now.

I quit over 35 years ago. Now, the smell of tobacco smoke disgusts me. I've not had the urge to take it up again. I'm fine, but I can't be around other smokers, they gross me out.

@stueytheround Iโ€™m in your corner. Gave up smoking 30 years ago but I was such a โ€œBโ€ I think family almost bought me a carton. Losing mom-lung cancer & mother-in-law-emphysema, horror & fear of their passing, and guilt & shame everyday for the role model I wasnโ€™t to my children and students, I am glad that I gave them up. I smoked from 12-36 up to 2 packs a day. I remember my skin crawling with the cravings (trying a cigar once). It does pass/easy to say looking back & not easy but so worth it!

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