You know I'm good with words right?
Well I wish I could adequately describe the physical, emotional and psychological battle raging within me as I get used to life without nicotine.
* I'm winning.*
*** I will win. ***
But heavens above! I envy anyone who managed to give up smoking with ease. It is *not* easy!
I have muscle cramps. I am *very* snappy with *everyone*. I'm having terrible dreams. Night sweats. I live next to a convenience store so tobacco is readily available any time.
It's shitty!

@stueytheround Try heating pads for the cramps, cool packs for the sweats 😉 You can do this, keep reminding yourself who you are doing it for (including yourself 💚) Mine was made easier by the fact I had smoked only outside for 20+ years (my daughter has a lung condition)... Remember we are cheering you on 🤗


@AnneW Thank you. I've done it before. I can do it again. I know this stage will pass. Another week or two at worst and then it will ease off. I keep telling myself, "No! I don't smoke. I am a non-smoker."
I hadn't considered a heat pack. That's a great idea. If it helps Eleanor with her period pains, it can help me too.

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