You know I'm good with words right?
Well I wish I could adequately describe the physical, emotional and psychological battle raging within me as I get used to life without nicotine.
* I'm winning.*
*** I will win. ***
But heavens above! I envy anyone who managed to give up smoking with ease. It is *not* easy!
I have muscle cramps. I am *very* snappy with *everyone*. I'm having terrible dreams. Night sweats. I live next to a convenience store so tobacco is readily available any time.
It's shitty!

So please excuse me while I eat my weight in Ritz Crackers 🤣🤣


Write music, write poems, ride your motorcycle into the country far away from convenience stores, take up a new art form you've never done before that you don't associate with smoking. (Maybe one that is flammable or makes your hands messy, so it's not possible to smoke.)

So many better addictions to substitute than Ritz crackers!

@AlphaCentauri 🤣 I was only kidding about the crackers. I have had a few as a treat and put the rest away!
Thanks for the great suggestions.
I've been playing my guitar quite a bit today. I shall be released!

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