You know I'm good with words right?
Well I wish I could adequately describe the physical, emotional and psychological battle raging within me as I get used to life without nicotine.
* I'm winning.*
*** I will win. ***
But heavens above! I envy anyone who managed to give up smoking with ease. It is *not* easy!
I have muscle cramps. I am *very* snappy with *everyone*. I'm having terrible dreams. Night sweats. I live next to a convenience store so tobacco is readily available any time.
It's shitty!

@stueytheround I can't relate to the smoking part, but i'll cheer you on Stuey. Living so near to a store has to be incredibly difficult. πŸ˜• Perhaps if you try and keep your hands busy (um, that sounds weird but you know what i mean πŸ˜‚). You could try journaling about how you're feeling when you have your worst cravings (bonus that it'll help get out frustrations without taking it out on anybody). Hang in there, it's worth the effort! β€οΈπŸ€—


@Christmas_Snow 😁 I am going to win this.

@stueytheround I believe it!! Habits take time to unlearn, so cut yourself a break and stay positive, ok?!

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