🐰 Whoops, runtimeterror.dev is now using bunny.net for DNS/CDN stuff.

I honestly didn't intend to rush into a major change like that, but my initial testing impressed me enough that I decided to press forward with the migration.

Of course, now I have to rewrite the blog post I'd been working on before I got distracted...

John boosted
John boosted

@john_b This stuck out:
"...at Google, where 12,000 workers were fired just months after a $80b stock buyback that would have paid their wages for the next 27 years."

Yeah. So, when they say they can't compete or be successful when they don't pay us... look at numbers like that. Look how little we are valued.

This is my kind of crazy:

"In today's video we explore sharing an NVIDIA GPU from Windows 11, running a containerized workload with docker for windows, over to connect Immich - a self-hosted photo library - to hardware accelerate machine learning tasks."


@R3dH00d @fuse really just a style preference.

Personally I like the Heritage design, as the flattened bit makes it easy for me to be sure the sensors are on the soft-squishy side of my finger.

@R3dH00d @fuse I will say that Fitbit probably has the edge as just a fitness tracker, but the Oura does such a phenomenal job with sleep and recovery (and provides enough of an activity overview that it's still helpful at monitoring larger trends).

And again, it's completely unobtrusive which is a really neat trick.

@R3dH00d I've really enjoyed mine these past few years. It provides good insight into my sleep, activity, and recovery, and I love that I don't really have to think about it.

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