We're heading to Auburn again for a follow-up CT to see how Pippin is responding to the radiation treatment he had in December. He seems to have really improved since then (no more coughing when he gets excited) but it will be good to have confirmation of what's going on inside his chest.

Merry came along to provide moral support / little brother energy.

Merry is Very Concerned about what dad might be eating for breakfast.

We're enjoying the (relative) calm today before spending the next few days with family.

Pippin has graduated from Auburn!

We've got a few checkups in the coming months to see how successful this treatment was but we're feeling pretty good for now.

Thanks again to my for all the good vibes!

Last day of radiation treatments!

He's very excited to be here again. I think he's going to be sad when he realizes we're not coming back tomorrow.

2 doses down, 1 more to go!

The doc today confirmed the earlier diagnosis of being a chronic good boy.

We're on our way to Auburn (again) to start Pippin's radiation therapy tomorrow. 3 days, 3 doses, and hopefully this thing in his chest will start going away. 🤞

Little brother Merry is coming along for support this time.

These two are all about going outside in the cold... so they can lay in the sun.

The radiologist diagnosed Pippin as being a very sweet boy (literally, that's in his medical records now).

The mass next to his heart is kind of big and pushing up on stuff but doesn't seem to be wrapping around anything important and so should be pretty treatable with radiation.

We'll come back down in a few weeks for three days of radiating and then check with another CT in 4-6 weeks.

All in all we're feeling pretty good with this prognosis and relieved to have a plan.

We're taking Pippin to Auburn tomorrow for another oncology exam and to (hopefully) begin treatment for the mass growing in front of his heart. (Apparently the mass being there instead of in his lungs is a good thing.)

He's (always) excited to be going on another adventure. We're of course nervous about how it will play out for our boy.

Another round of good vibes please?

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