Well the process sounds utterly ridiculous when my friend describes it this way...

Here's the best image I didn't take of the eclipse today.

(We had to travel south for other reasons so I asked a computer to show me what I missed. I think it took some liberties.)

We're heading to Auburn again for a follow-up CT to see how Pippin is responding to the radiation treatment he had in December. He seems to have really improved since then (no more coughing when he gets excited) but it will be good to have confirmation of what's going on inside his chest.

Merry came along to provide moral support / little brother energy.

My little setup is growing!

Work gifted me a pair of HP Elite Mini 800 G9 PCs to supplement my efforts (recognizing that my weekend/evening tinkering helps me be more effective while at work).

Each of these little guys packs a 12-core 12th-gen i7 and 96 gigglebytes of RAM. This should keep me sated for a little while.

Merry is Very Concerned about what dad might be eating for breakfast.

It's early Monday and this made me spill coffee on myself.

I strapped a 1TB SSD to each Blade, and did a Very Professional Job of mounting them in the wall.

I've fleshed out my Salt high state for these to address the prereqs I could think of, so I think I'm about ready to start putting these to work soon.

Long hair: βœ…
Clean-shaven: βœ…
Sexy specs: βœ…

Continuing my unintentional transformation into that cool young dude in my avatar...

(I had Lasik ~12 years ago, and it's been great, but I've noticed my distance vision slipping a bit over the past year. So now I get to wear glasses again (though with a much lighter Rx than last time!) while I wait a few years to see how my eyes progress. I can get a Lasik adjustment, but can apparently only get one of those so want to make it count!)

I was too busy teaching racecar things this weekend to do anything with my new Zima Blade cluster other than just installing the memory, but look how cute this stack of single-board x86 computers is!

Hopefully I'll find time this week to actually set it up. I'm thinking I'll eventually turn this into a light Nomad cluster for doing container things.


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