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If I see a 🏳️‍🌈 in your profile, I'm likely to give you a follow.

Also: We have this great emoji :transpride:

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I came across this several years ago, when I first started to transition. It still hits hard.

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is gender affirmation, which can lead to joy for cis folks, too.

None of us is free until all of us are free.

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Yay, I sold 10 copies of my 5 books today!

Honestly, I'm just ten shy of that, but I'm optimistic the evening is the charm.

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Indie authors, share your links, I'd like to support you! Here is my contemporary romance on Amazon.

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The one of these that bothers me most is when the name of the translator isn't on the front cover.


Things that should always be on the cover, but often aren't:

The translator
The cover artist
The cover designer
A blurb that doesn't contain spoilers
A list of awards--on the back

Things that should NOT be on covers, but often are:

"Stickers" that are printed on, not removable
Quotes that tell you nothing about the book or why the person quoted "loved it!"
Spoilery blurbs

Phil Greenwood, Welsh artist, b 1943
Moon Lights
Etching print

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