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Lost a great friend today, on Caturday no less. This / goes out to Major Tom. I will always see you in the kittens you had before we got you fixed. You were one of the greats bud.

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'Who kills a puppy?' CNN panel blasts Kristi Noem's murderous streak

Lynne's note *** answer GOP governor kristi Noem

Every other social media platform stays online by exploiting YOU.

CounterSocial is different. We stay online through the ongoing support of users like you.

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The media don't want you to see this footage of trump heading back to mar a Lago after court.

I've probably watched "grosse point blank" 200+ times in my life by now.

Trump's lawyer told the scotus that assassination of rivals "depends", if it's an official act.

I say:

I hope everyone who stares here has a nice, fine, ok day.

(Also got one called raspberry parfait but not opening that till m'lady off work) 😆

Went to the weed store, said fuck it to the Dutch bros coffee. Today's strain is called "lost cause" (hybrid) by "Boyant Bob":

is gender affirmation, which can lead to joy for cis folks, too.

None of us is free until all of us are free.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.