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Decided to compile a list of links impertinent to City of Heroes:Homecoming, and the player made guides and projects made by the community of Homecoming and Everlasting both. Feel free to poke around to learn more!

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Can I have your eyes for a moment please? Some of us would like to request that you blur our toots on here from readability in your videos if you are streaming or recording for reviews here. We do love having new folks drop in but do try to keep in mind our privacy needs here. Personally, I'm generally pretty shy of media presence, as someone with social anxiety among other problems, I'm requesting a bit of kindness and respect for our privacy here. Thank you.

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Short notes:
🎨 I'm an artist, I work with traditional and AI tools when commissioned, negotiable with my commissioners.
🚫 I have VERY strong opinions against NFT's and cryptocurrency.
📚 AI is still a very new tool in the field of art production and study, and I use it for both purposes.
🛠️ I am constantly working on improving my art skills, whether it's digitally, or traditionally, so I will sometimes post my work here to share that.
🖊️ I write for fun. Creatively, and sometimes just cause.

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Post Hoc RvW Survival Guide
1. Immediately disable ALL cycle tracking apps, period trackers, ovulation trackers and scrub your smart devices, and phones of tracking apps of any kind.
2. If you *must* track your cycle, please use coded language on a calendar app that does not share any data what so ever. Physical preferred.
3. Any appointments regarding your reproductive health, make sure you leave your phone or smart devices at home and powered off.
1/? hold replies atm please.

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A list of stuff about me:
*Intuitive as fuck. And no, not boasting about it either, it sucks sometimes.
*Intelligent, I got the shit kicked out of me as a kid and growing up for backtalking ignorant folks with facts.
*Trauma survivor, that speaks for itself.
*Loyal as hell to folks I consider dear friends. Fuck with them, you fucked with me.
*Creative thinker, I fucking hate box thinking, okay? Box thinking is the shit they teach you in school, think outside of it, look for alterative solutions.

Grumpy Opinion Show more

The Moody Blues Greatest Hits Full Album - The Moody Blues Best Songs

Who likes idle farming simulators? How about one that sits at the bottom of your screen while you work on other things? 😏

Cuz thats what does.

Here's a quick overview of what joining looks like

- entering CoSoRealms and validating your account's Pro status (only done once per session)
- to moving around
- to adjusting the volume
- to entering Presentation Mode (right-mouse click)
- to leaving Presentation Mode back to Theater Mode
- to typing a chat

It's reduced in quality to make tooting it possible

Use a Chromium-based web browser; Safari is not supported

Now try it yourself!


Just my own two cents but if ya say "not to be racist" in preface, it's racist. Period. No one needs to see you shoving your foot up your own ass, so why share something racist on a public feed??

Milk is the fastest liquid on earth. Show more

I wrote a song in tribute to Moody Blues (in style) after the loss of Mike Pinder who was a founder and brought so much to the band in the 60s and 70s.

I just learned that this flower is also known as a flag iris.

And mow, with flagging energy, I wish you all bonne nuit.

I've posted this before. But I know some of you probably haven't seen it. So I'm posting it again.

Here's a Pole Dancer.
And I love it.

OK, I had almost forgotten that when everyone was sticking to house a few years back, I would post videos of me playing guitar to have a bit of a sing-along moment and feel a little better. I forgot that I was quite proud of this one and I hope you enjoy :-) ...

Where is @MrGoat this fine evening……need to mess with him….. 🐐 where are you?….🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🥊🐐😂👩‍🦰

Avast me hearties!

'oist all the flags an' laugh at the hoodwinking rapscallions over on HMS Google Play. Make 'em walk the plank for tryin' to shiver ye timbers! Keel haul to lot of them until their teeth itch. Tear off their ears and stuff them in their asses so they can hear us as we kick 'em.

H/T @MrGoat for this >>>

Y'all make me smile. Thank you for the flag salutes appreciate y'all jumping into the game and having fun with it! 🥰

Night CoSo! I love y'all 3000.


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