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I'm instructing at our club's annual performance driving school this weekend and having at least as much fun as the students.

John boosted

"For the first time in 25 years, they're hearing rocket engines being tested."

We certainly are. Several nights a week, and I love hearing it.

John boosted

Instead of watching the SOTU address and drinking, I'm just drinking.

I think that's healthier.

John boosted

You ever wonder why we’re here?

It's one of life's great mysteries isn't it? Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know, man, but it keeps me up at night...

John boosted

Ahhh, this is fun! If you use Kagi, check out their smallweb. Feels like a stripped down Stumbleupon.

(For some additional context, Kagi is a paid search engine! Feels like old Google, without all the fuckery.) nosanitize

I've spent the past couple of weeks exploring an alternative take on the web called Gemini (not to be confused with any former bards). I think it's pretty neat, so I've deployed a Capsule (a site) which I'll use as a lightweight Gemlog (a blog) going forward:


I also fronted the capsule with an HTTP proxy so it can still be seen by normal people with normal old-school browsers:

I'd say `democracy++` but that feels too optimistic for this timeline.

After a tough week at work, I'm unwinding

by doing regex

for fun.

I'm so broken.

Heading to the theater to see that weird new Tremors remake.

I got a new device last night, so naturally the first thing I did was install Tailscale.

It's not just because stanning Tailscale is kind of my thing, but also because Taildrop ( makes it super easy to share files directly to this e-ink writing tablet thing. Very slick.

Also, I'm really impressed with the tablet so far (BOOX Air3 C). More on that later.

Turns out it's *really* easy to connect a GitHub Actions runner to a tailnet:

That's handy.

👨‍🚀 I set out last night to write a quick post about how I'd spent a few hours playing with Gemini over the weekend but decided it was more trouble than it was worth.

Then I spent ~2.5 hours revamping how I had generated the Gemini version of my site and decided that I kind of like it. So maybe I'll keep exploring Geminispace.

You can find my capsule at:

(or if you're a normal).

I'll share more details once I work out the CI/CD piece.

Attention all drivers in the North Alabama / Tennessee Valley area: it's time to learn to drive better.

Our local car club is hosting our annual Performance Driving School on March 8-10, and you really should come out! It's a fun and educational time for drivers of all experience levels.

I attended the school three years in a row and learned a ton, and I've now been instructing for several more years (and learning even more). Come hang out!

Anyone here familiar with ?

I dig the idea of an immutable container host.

Neat - I finally won't have to give out my personal phone number to use a "private" messaging app!

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