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John boosted

Secure your modern web apps from the very beginning! (joke post)

Space note: why the hell didn’t I think of this!? 🤣

Oh neat, that actually worked. 🎉

i r smart

I did some tinkering this weekend and implemented dynamically-generated OpenGraph images for my site using only built-in functions.

Imma drink your blood, but I'll mix it up with sugar

(why is this so damn catchy)

I slept until noon today.

Ask me anything.

I'd like extra butter, hold the popcorn.

I noticed a weird rhythmic vibration in my steering wheel this morning, but it goes away when I turn down my loud metalcore.

What a marvelous mechanical mystery!

I've had a lot of fun playing with the various delightful services these last couple of months. It truly does offer "the best internet address that you've ever had", and a ton of thoughtful bonus features to go with it.

And today you can sign up for 64% off with the code "LOVE".

Well well well if it isn't another day

John boosted


You should really do this for everything, not just bard/gemini. I have my location, activity, assistant recordings, etc all turned off throughout all of google's services.

Yes, it would be extremely helpful to my adhd to leave it on, but the privacy risks are too steep for me.

If you're playing around with Google ~~Bard~~ , you may want to hit up and opt-out of it saving your conversation history.

By default, it'll hold on to everything you say for up to 3 years for possible review by humans.

"Please don’t enter confidential information in your conversations or any data you wouldn’t want a reviewer to see or Google to use to improve our products, services, and machine-learning technologies."

I've got a friend in Knoxville who's having a really tough time lately. Anyone familiar with organizations there which might be able to help the soon-to-be houseless who aren't able to take care of themselves?

He suffers from anxiety and panic attacks and breathing problems, doesn't have much savings/income, and has no support network nearby. I've offered to send him money but he really needs someone there to help him.

John boosted

Got some pointers from state IT on how to remove your information from people search sites that I will share in this thread. Not the end all as most info can be bought, but fwiw.

Remove your personal info from the top 7 people search sites without charge.

People search sites make money by collec􀆟ng and selling personal information.

My other project from this weekend was setting up my to use the Zigbee Home integration instead of the deCONZ add-on for managing my Zigbee devices. I really should have made this change ages ago, the ZHA experience is way better than the deCONZ one.

[boosting since I posted this while normal people were distracted by some sort of owl]

John boosted

How did I get data from my weather station to show up on my page?

I'm glad you asked! This post covers the details:

As if the previous two notices weren't explicit enough, would like you to know that "regrettably" they're killing the free vSphere Hypervisor.

"We're happy to work with you when you're ready to sign an ELA for your home lab."
- Broadware, probably

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