1. I spent time on Saturday hanging out with a group of and friends, made some new friends, and got to show off the new kimono
2. I started another of my "cheap & cheerful" redecorating projects and phase 1 is looking good
3. I got to talk to my niece on the phone yesterday for a few minutes; first time in 3 years ❤️

Bonus - I have a appt w/the psych doc today and we're going to talk about lowering my meds again 💚

1. I got a hot shower this morning and they're installing the new water heater as I type this
2. I'm going to the "knit in public" meetup tomorrow
3. I have a therapy appointment this afternoon

Y'all, this has been a *rough* week. It's one of those where all the things happen all at once, and it's been pushing the limits of my
I'm working on my so that the doesn't get the best of me. My survival rate is still 100% - I aim to keep it that way.

Today is rough. Work sucks, big time. There is so much damn drama that it's just killing me. No job is worth sacrificing my and I just sat here and ugly cried for 30 minutes. I refuse to let the get the best of me, but this is going to be one of the "uphill all the way" kind of days. Trying to remind myself that my survival rate thus far is 100% and that this too shall pass.


I cannot brain today, I haz the dumbz.

Seriously, my poor lonely lil brain cell feels like she's bouncing around in a pinball machine.

What's got two thumbs and forget their morning meds yesterday? This idiot!

Even with my routines established I still sometimes forget and then we get to Unleash The Kraken.

Explains a lot, gotta say...

I'm a Gen X'er who has zero desire to "grind" or "hustle" or whatever the hell they're calling having a second job these days. Taking care of myself is my second job. I realize this is an unpopular opinion, especially among my contemporaries, but there, I've said it.

Psych doc says I can start to taper my anxiety medication and see how it goes. She seems very optimistic about it and so do I.

my brain is fighting me, it's like a herd of turtles at the North Pole trying to slog through molasses while wearing bunny slippers

This is me. I'm fast approaching 47. I have and all of those silver curls are natural. I have tattoos and my nose is pierced. I'm a and I and love stuff. I'm an specialist by trade. And I'm trying to remind myself, right here and now, that *this* what beautiful looks like for me.

Personal curiosity here, nothing scientific... For those of you who have officially been given a diagnosis, how old were you when that happened? I was just shy of 30 when I was diagnosed with even though there had been signs since I was 13.

Today's takes the form of a session this afternoon and some quality time with a coloring book the hubs got me for Christmas. Also, Dropkick Murphys. It's important to take time to take care of yourself, whatever that means for you. You're worth it. 💚

Today's hand knit is super special. This is a top down raglan cardigan I made using yarn that my knitting group friends got me when I was first diagnosed with and had my first inpatient hospital stay.

It's been a "reflective" kind of afternoon. I'm realizing that my experiences battling and living with and have provided me with opportunities to become more empathetic towards my fellow humans. And that's really not a bad thing.

I'm closer (much closer) to 50 than 40 at this point and it baffles me that women younger than me seem to dread the very idea of turning 40. As someone who fought with uncontrolled mental illness for most of my life I felt that making it to 40 was a major achievement. And now I've realized that the older I get the less the opinions of other people really matter and that is liberating. Every day is a gift, that's why we call if the "present," right?

Listening to Eric in the other room yowling his little heart out, for no apparent reason other than he must like the sound of his own voice, and thinking how nice it must be to just scream sometimes.

I have a crappy memory - lots of reasons why - but what matters is how I deal with it. I use an app called Keep to manage personal reminders, lists, etc. and at work I rely heavily on my Outlook calendar and OneNote. During meetings I take copious notes and I loving refer to this as "leaving a love note for myself" because if it doesn't get written down it won't happen. Curious as to what others who have a or or just plain memory issues do to help with this?

My :
1. pick out outfits for the work week on Saturday; include jewelry, etc & hang everything in the closet so you can grab it in the morning w/out thinking
2. make a weekly dinner menu & then make your grocery list
3. pill trays/organizers save my forgetful brain on a daily basis
4. measure out spices for recipes you make often & store in little jars
Basically anything you can do in a batch, do it.

Currently level of concentration - sitting at my desk and doodling because I need to babysit my email/zoom space but my brain is not super cooperative at the moment. Doodling = coping skill, for the win.

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