
I'm closer (much closer) to 50 than 40 at this point and it baffles me that women younger than me seem to dread the very idea of turning 40. As someone who fought with uncontrolled mental illness for most of my life I felt that making it to 40 was a major achievement. And now I've realized that the older I get the less the opinions of other people really matter and that is liberating. Every day is a gift, that's why we call if the "present," right?


With each decade you care even less. Until one day you don’t care at all.



Bingo. You've got this. A wise person once said in effect, that others' opinions are none of one's business. So doggone freeing, isn't it? 😁

@ekg1976 Now I have it working. Don't feel bad. You have nothing on my grandmother, and we had to live with that evil woman for three years when I was growing up. The most accurate way to describe her condition would be bat-shit crazy. She did crap that would make people think you and I are sane.

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