
Okay, everybody relax. I'm here.

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@Stonekettle about time you got here, did you bring more whisky?

@Stonekettle Thank You! Have been following you for years. Not on FB much anymore. Getting Hard-Core Porn vids on bird site. Not a prude but that's not my thing!

@Stonekettle <faints dead away> welcome back to the far less caustic social media site. <closes nitter tab> <waits for fabulous bird photos, pen sails, and biting social commentary>

Yeah! Welcome to CS! You crossed my timeline a few times on Twitter & I always meant to get around to following you. Will do so now!

Oops.... just seen that you've been here a long, long time...๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

@Stonekettle Welcome. We appreciate your takes and I promise not to argue semantics over single clauses of your posts (this ain't Twitter).

It's about time.

@Stonekettle Well, thank god for that. The place was just too darn quiet without you.

@Stonekettle oh hey, I forgot I followed you here back in the before-times! (2020-01) you're my ONLY follow at the moment, though, so gotta fix that.

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