I stumbled across a CoSo account called @LetsLookAtRooms and it's the kind of content I hoped to find here. I encourage you to go and look at rooms.

Unless Hunter Biden's laptop contains detailed information about the Trump family's crimes, I really don't care, do u?

Facebook has been forbidding any mention of the CounterSocial website for the past several months. We suspect it's because they're terrified of little old us.

They can stop our website address from showing up in posts and messages, but they can't stop you from sharing this image if you'd like to invite the cool people you know there to come and check us out here.

Still no mention of the guilty verdict for Stewart Rhodes on FoxNews.com, Breitbart.com, Newsmax.com, and OANN.com. at 9:16PM ET.

They attack Alex Vindman and defend Stephen Miller. That’s the Republican Party & Elon Musk.

CoSo Tip…
Changing your screen to LIGHT mode 🌞
Go to your profile
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Site theme -> toggle between Dark & Light mode, make your choice
Press save at bottom of page
May have to refresh for it to take effect

Denys' son was born 2 months ago. They spent a week together, and then Denys returned to the frontlines. On Nov 18, he was killed in action. Lest we forget. russia is a monster
Photos: his wife Yevgenia

Oh god, another shooting. Per WaPo: "Multiple people killed in shooting at Walmart store in Chesapeake, Va., authorities say."

I've been here for a few weeks now, but suddenly I'm seeing a single period (.) showing up ahead of people's posts that I haven't seen before. What does this mean?

The Daily Beast exclusively obtained a confession letter Greenberg wrote explaining how Gaetz used him as a middleman to pay for sex with young women and at least one underage girl. The Daily Beast also obtained Greenberg’s non-public Venmo payments, which reflect that arrangement. In one instance, Gaetz paid his pal $900 and wrote “hit up ___” in the memo field, referring to the teenage girl who they started seeing when she was underage.

Wordle 521 3/6


This is a pretty nice summary from Jennifer Rubin on things we have to be thankful for right now. This WaPo article has no paywall.


COLLUSION: A Republican consultant and former senior aide to Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell was just convicted of funneling Russian money to Trump’s 2016 campaign. Watch for the full story: youtu.be/OFOBpShuXiY

Since the guy running Twitter is talking about the voice of the people being the voice of God and all, seems like it might a good time to remind America of this:

Trump: 62,984,828
Clinton: 65,858,514

Show more

Tonya Watkins

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.