
They attack Alex Vindman and defend Stephen Miller. That’s the Republican Party & Elon Musk.

@adamparkhomenko Hi Adam, maybe you can answer? Why are Politicians that a lot of us would love to follow not leaving ? Advertisers are leaving it, those of us that refuse to stay on a platform that allows someone back on the same platform that he used to instigate an attack on our Capitol have left it. What're they waiting on?

@RBF1111 @adamparkhomenko

Not Adam, but MY thinking is 1) organizations (and office-holders ARE an entire organization!) make change SLOOOOWLY (especially when it's less a question on "be on Twitter OR NOT" like it is for advertisers versus what platforms to be on instead of OR in addition to Twitter) and 2) Right before the Georgia vote def. doesn't feel like the time to make that decision??

I mean, those I followed w/open DMs I'm asking to be here. So, we should ALL be making the ask.

@CLManussier @adamparkhomenko you are definitely right about before an election. Naive thought maybe but in a world where information is everything why doesn't this country (and others) have a platform for all elected officials, local and national where we can go to and see them knock out drag out in a public forum and come to our own conclusions. A Government form of where regardless of your you can go to where you don't have one owner that has their own agenda.

@RBF1111 @adamparkhomenko I hate that all of the news orgs are still using the link to post to Twitter.
Politicians, news orgs, companies and individuals that don't stand for what Musk is pushing really need to leave and let it burn faster.

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