
I've been here for a few weeks now, but suddenly I'm seeing a single period (.) showing up ahead of people's posts that I haven't seen before. What does this mean?

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It's a place holder for an image or a video or other than doesn't need a comment usually.


There was once a problem some ppl had where posts with no other content than an image or video would be unexpandable. You couldn't click on the post itself, just the header & interaction buttons, & ppl were frustrated by this (even tho they could've expanded it with the โ€ฆ menu).

Jester added code that posts "empty" of content besides visual media would get a period added to the post to make it clickable.

Been there for months.

That, or the period was just shy before.

@FernLovebond Thanks! That makes sense! It's possible my eyes just skipped over it before.

Considering how much there is to take in when you first get started on the site, that's completely understandable ๐Ÿ™‚

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