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@Museek @lfrum Latest says 6 workers filling potholes are missing. But MDOT immediately closed bridge access because the ship's crew sent a mayday call. That communication saved countless lives.

I am livid. Here is an image of the response I received from the NC Board of Elections. Also, an image of the e-mail I sent back to Mr. Holland. *** If you live in NC, I would greatly appreciate your sending an e-mail to the NC Board of Elections *** and letting them know wearing a K95 mask to protect against COVID does not prevent a poll worker from being able to identify a person. Thanks!

I was just reading about 3 of Diddy's homes being raided...and about Russel Simmons being served with papers in Bali. Wow! Past time something happened to both of them. Shades of Epstein.


Huh, because it seems like the ship had some kind of mechanical issue. Witnesses reported smoke coming from it prior to the strike.

I'm going to bet money, based on historical precedence, there was slack maintenance, which was probably connected to slack regulations and/or lack of people needed to inspect and enforce such regulations.

Ya know, all those things Republicans fight against.

I used to watch Ice Skating all the time.
Six quads in a long program is Superhuman.
Look at the height on them

Though I normally love the rain to continue as far into spring as possible to delay the fire season we have roof repairs to do… 🤦🏻‍♀️

Im very angry for a lot of reasons today. This is one of them.


this one goes into the section on appeasement, which is what made me fire off my aw snap post yesterday.

there was more to it. the whole interview was brilliant. but I thought it would be easier to find in its entirety today.

Every time I think MAGAs have reached the pinnacle of stupidity they prove they can be dumber yet! 🤦🏻‍♀️

from El Howieson

Democracy will be saved by Everyday People!

No wonder I love birds so much 😂🙃

“Once upon a time, when women were birds,
there was the simple understanding that
to sing at dawn and to sing at dusk
was to heal the world through joy.
The birds still remember
what we have forgotten,
that the world is meant to be

~Terry Tempest Williams

The Civil War was the bloodiest war ever fought on American soil. During an average day during the war, approximately 600 people were killed. By the end of the war, over 618,000 people had died. This is more Americans than WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War combined.

The real “red-pill” moment is when rednecks realize they’re stockpiling weapons to protect themselves from the monster in the mirror.

Rachel Maddow
Maddow: I want to associate myself with all my colleagues who have voiced principled objections to our company putting on the payroll someone who hasn't just attacked us as journalists, but someone who is part of an ongoing project to get rid of our system of government.

Sad post because I needed to acknowledge the sadness Show more

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