How do people get this cold hearted. I hope she gets charges instead of “lots of money”.

We have a visitor from next door. She’s hanging out while Mom & Dad are at a Harley rider’s bbq. Dad’s babies #1 & 2.

Good morning CoSo! It’s pretty grey here today, hope it doesn’t last all day.

This romp in the snow made me smile.

The difference between a herding dog and a guarding dog is clear in this! My poor dog is a mix of the two… 🤪

Well short…I knew the shedding season was approaching but it’s here.

Lmao at our dog!! She’s barking at a plane. It really upset her! 😄😄😄

Needed some lol moments this am…this did the trick. The first one, OMD!! 😱😳🫣

This makes me smile so big…what a fantastic place. They don’t see themselves as disabled do they?

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