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Hey there, my grandson’s clothing line”s website is live now. He’s designing tees and stuff.

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I’m intrigued by alternative building styles. I really love straw bale houses! Am fascinated by cob homes, domes, tree houses, cave dwellings, tiny homes and the myriad of ways they can be built. These “aircrete” domes are beautiful! Can easily picture being very happy in something like that!

Holy hell Emma…look at that idjit go! 🏎️🚓🚨👮🏻👮🏻‍♀️👮🏻‍♂️

Given the success of the recent song sale on behalf of a cosonaut, on May 1st, I plan to release a never before published song and I shall donate proceeds to
Let's start early make coso ❤️

Artichokes are doing great this year! First harvest looks good. They’re growing in pots for now. Think I want to get livestock troughs to plant stuff in because the ground here is awful.

They look healthy & there are lots more coming. Hubby doesn’t eat them but he’s impressed himself with the way they’re growing.

Fox News Contributor Comes Out Against... People Taking Showers?
Charles Hurt told a panel on "The Five" that "you don't want to smell bad for other people," but insisted, "Showers are terrible for you.

Lynne's Note *** Trying to play down rumors that Trump smells..No really they are ...Wow fox is nuts

@NorCalCherylLyn Dunno about sheep skills, but the dog has its own YouTube channel and has herded up almost 40k followers.

Techs4Clefts is a friend of mine’s heart project. She does amazing work and saves lives. Can use help as all Rescues can…any help is much appreciated.

The worst herder or a new way to get the same job done with less stress? 🤔

Protesting is nothing new.
Being arrested for protesting is nothing new.
Some famous people have been arrested protesting.

John Lewis was first arrested in 1960.
Martin Sheen has been arrested 66 times for protesting. These are recent examples.

' North Korea's Lazarus Group Deploys New Kaolin RAT via Fake Job Lures

The Contagious Interview attacks pave the way for two hitherto undocumented cross-platform malware named BeaverTail and InvisibleFerret that can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS systems '

ok then.

Most of the US Army/USN ships have arrived off of Gaza and begun building the newest pier.

And Hamas has already fired mortars at it.

I prescribe trampolines for everyone! Just not here because having fun is not allowed. 😞

@POOetryma I can’t imagine 5 inches of snow in Charleston! I know that the freakish extreme events started a few years prior in my state, but 2020 changed everything for me - the “new” gigantic wildfires, debilitating droughts and heatwaves, flooding. Since then I’d like one year without an extreme weather event or a resulting emergency.

*knocks on wood for 2024

@Render I can't believe they kicked Professor Shai off campus. I don't know anything about him other than seeing some videos with him in it. So he and I may not share politics [dunno] but the uni can't deactivate the damn card of a working professor while letting non students on campus especially terrorists.

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