Funny how three American Robins are feasting on bugs in my backyard not making a sound. But detects them. This must be their mates telling them how hungry they are?

Quite an inspirational story. This is a friend from college who has done something extraordinary. Please like and share it. They are a great person. I wish I had even half their perseverance. With all the negativity we see it's great to see something positive.

Cleaned up the leaves finally. Birds are having a buffet of bugs.

Can I just say how grateful I am to be living in a time where this is the news? Instead of hearing about some unhinged antics from the oval office?

Is it just cuz I'm getting older or is clickbait getting weirder?

TFW you find a drink token for a bar that's over twenty hours drive away.

June bug climbed into my shirt. Drove home halfway there I realized there was a sizeable bug crawling around my back inside my shirt. So I stopped and shook out my shirt and I thought I got rid of it but I get home in about 5 minutes in...I noticed it's just chilling on the front of my shirt. I let it go outside and I can't help but wonder if I just wanted to be friends.

Had a great time at pub trivia with the atheists. We got second place! 🥈

Meetings in the afternoon kill the rest of the day.

I'm just going to put this here. *Continues to put nothing*

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