Every time I think MAGAs have reached the pinnacle of stupidity they prove they can be dumber yet! 🤦🏻‍♀️

I was pissed & sent an email-

[email protected]

I just heard on Morning Joe about the hiring of the Ronna McDaniel and I’m outraged! She should be blacklisted from your network for all her lies and her part in the BIG lie that has caused so much chaos.

I WILL turn off MSNBC anytime I see her face on a panel. If it happens too many times I will turn off MSNBC like I have CNN.

Daily Viewer for now

Before I found CoSo I followed a guy on the 🦤 site that has been pointing out the signs of FTD in him for years. It’s been evident since he decided to become political.


“The USA Today report cited one case involving a 1990 project at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, during which New Jersey regulators found that Trump had failed to pay at least 253 subcontractors in full or on time.”


"He's a liar, he's a cheat, he's a crook," she said. "He doesn't understand your life story and he's not going to fight for you now."

This should a big part of the Dems campaign. Hit them with facts over and over and over again. There are more than enough who’ve been ripped off by tfg to do two new ads with them ever day.


Oh geez…I’ll never understand the GOP insanity about arming everyone possible. Didn’t the Maine mass murders teach them anything? Can anything wake them the hell up?!? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


WTH was he so much of a bigger asshole when he rep’d D4? He finally made it to the district he has lived in for decades and then he gets saner?? 🤔


I really need to see a reporter…any reporter…ask the MAGA afflicted “when you say you like what Trump got done when he was POTUS what exactly are you talking about?” I have never heard them explain what he accomplished beyond three turds on SCOTUS.

Why would the rally attendees be happy about the wealthiest getting tax cuts? How was the Trump economy good for them? What about his response to Covid was great?

The ignorance pains me.

The Statue, of course, is a gift from the French. The brainchild of Frenchman Édouard René Lefèbvrede de Laboulaye.

I did learn something myself though! 👏🏻

“Less well known — and obviously a completely blank page to Kelly — is that Laboulaye was President of the French Anti-Slavery Society. He conceived of the work as a salute to the Union victory in the Civil War and the subsequent emancipation of American slaves. Hence “liberty”.


Good question…imo it isn’t an effective activism. Unless what you want to really piss off anyone trapped by the stunt. It gets attention but it sure wouldn’t make me more sympathetic.


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