
People are scum. I just spent 5 hours helping my 87 yo mom contact banks and credit card companies to recoup money. She called a number she found on google for customer service to cancel Youtube TV and instead called some scammer that convinced her to download an info sharing app onto her iphone. Yup, he emptied her bank accounts and bought numerous online gift cards. I deleted the app but who knows what else they retrieved.

Pardon me while I throw myself under the coming snow plow.

@ChippySuave so sorry for yall! It really is hard to trust anyone nowadays


That happened to me years ago. Scammer had vital information that convinced me he was legitimate. I spent hours trying to resolve a problem. Started getting suspicious & said, I would turn the matter over to my son. He wanted no part of that.

Now I know to end the conversation immediately & call the company myself to investigate the problem.

I’m sorry this happened. Please don’t throw yourself under the plow.

@ChippySuave damn that’s rough. That happened to my step father once but on a smaller scale with some scammer who called pretending to be Microsoft. Lost about 1500 and the HD of his computer.

@ChippySuave There are a lot of scummy people out there. I hate that this happened. 😞


There is a special place in hell awaiting people like that. So sorry it happened.


OMG! I am so very sorry that you and your mom are going through this! I can't even begin to imagine how horrifying this is to have happen to your mom!😥 Praying that you are able to recover the money! 🙏

@ChippySuave I hope they didn’t access her SIM card. I’m so sorry this happened.


What was the exact name of the app they had her download and what was the phone number she called?

Lemme at 'em.

@th3j35t3r Oh they have no idea of the murder hornets' nest they just kicked.



The guy's name (as recognized by Siri) was David at 804-491-8507. The app is called Iperius Remote Desktop.

@th3j35t3r She said maybe 35-40 with an accent that was kind of hard to understand, Maybe middle eastern. She said not Spanish.


Last question for now - what was the exact website she found that 804 number on?


I can't find that. She did a google search for You Tube tv customer service number.

I have not been able to recreate and find it, even after checking her history.

@th3j35t3r She looked at this page, and based on the comments by Lorenzo Ebe, maybe this is where she got the number? It's the only place I can find a 1-80..... for you tube.

@ChippySuave @th3j35t3r
Here's a post about a scam from a similar phone number. The scammer probably leased a block of sequential numbers

🍿 O.O

💙 @th3j35t3r
I’m so sorry that happened to your mom, I hope it’s all resolved at the banks asap! @ChippySuave

@ChippySuave @th3j35t3r
That phone number is in a range assigned to a telecom called Bandwidth. Here is their reporting form:

@AlphaCentauri @ChippySuave

It's a number currently. It used to belong to a person called Chad N**** outta Hanson, KY - but it's long since been recycled and used by scammers. Tick tock. 👍

@MLClark @th3j35t3r @AlphaCentauri @ChippySuave

If J is going to take action, it's probably not within the US

If I had to take a very wild guess, someone in India fucked up.

They're about to find out.

If J is going to do what I think he's going to do.

It'll be the realization and understanding about the Energizer bunny, and why it keeps going, and going, and going....

@AlphaCentauri @elmaxx @MLClark @ChippySuave

Yes. Working on it. Like that's literally what I've been on this afternoon. And that's just for starters.

J's about to make a shitbird fly into a thick glass window and I'm here for it!! 😂 👏

@AlphaCentauri @elmaxx @MLClark @ChippySuave


I truly appreciate the time and effort you are putting into this. I have to say, it's a good feeling that you and so many others care.

@Fiikus_goddess @Usama_Backhair @AlphaCentauri @elmaxx @MLClark

@elmaxx @MLClark @th3j35t3r @AlphaCentauri

When I read about @ChippySuave's mum's horrible situation it reminded me of this.

These people are the worst of the worst.

@MLClark @elmaxx @th3j35t3r @AlphaCentauri @ChippySuave
Now you know J is a sweet innocent person who would never do anything like

@th3j35t3r @ChippySuave
I can't find it searching for the phone number, which might indicate Google already has identified the page as a scam and removed it. I tried searching for an image of the phone number but the image search functions aren't good at telling text apart.

@ChippySuave @th3j35t3r
It seems that Bandwidth has a history of selling services to scammers. They got a cease and desist letter from the FTC last November.

You can look up who controls with numbers at

@ChippySuave Oh my god, Chippy. I am so sorry to hear this. Oh no. I wish I could offer some help.

@ChippySuave That sucks having to dispute all of those transactions. The good news is that the banks have to give you provisional credit while they perform their investigation. It's a hassle but she should get her money back.

@ChippySuave Jesus, that's terrible! So sorry that happened to her!

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