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Eileen boosted

Indonesia's Mount Ruang erupting tonight. Insane pic. (Credit: Indonesian volcanology agency / handout to

Eileen boosted
Eileen boosted

concert today!

I was able to record our dress rehearsal Friday night. The choir is a bit more distant sounding in this recording than I'd prefer, because the setup was not what I anticipated. Still I think it came out pretty well considering.

I recorded two different tracks: a pair of my omni's, and my friends 414's in mid side. If you click the V2 icon to the right, you can compare.


Eileen boosted
Eileen boosted
Eileen boosted

current scam in my inbox. Email detailing how Im eligible for my student loan forgiveness.

All you need to do is click the link...

:facepalm: Please let people know that when this becomes possible, make sure you go to a US gov site directly. Not some rando gmail address being "helpful"

Please spread the word.

Eileen boosted
Eileen boosted

“If you are told that such an one speaks ill of you, make no defence against what was said, but answer, He surely knew not my other faults, else he would not have mentioned these only!”
― Epictetus

Eileen boosted
Eileen boosted

EZ Pass users, if you get a text about a turnpike toll, do not click the link. It’s a scam. This one almost got me, it’s very convincing.

Eileen boosted
Eileen boosted
Eileen boosted
Eileen boosted

Daughter sent this from an overcast but full occlusion sight... Pretty cool...

Eileen boosted

MAGA strikes again. Search results for ‘Why do my eyes hurt?’ and ‘My eyes hurt’ have exploded after the total solar eclipse occurred.

Eileen boosted

And then there’s this….

(Let’s be naked while we’re hiding. 😂)

Dried bananas coming up tomorrow. Much different made at home from ripe bananas. instead of the “banana chips” they sell that need to have added sweetener.

Between the eclipse, the earthquake and the war in Gaza, things are gonna be lit in the evangelical churches during this Sunday's sermons.

Seismograph tracing from today's earthquake. This is typical. The ground is solid rock the whole east coast, so the fault shifts BANG with a little vibration but not the kind of prolonged shaking you saw in Taiwan. There was one here where people heard it instead of feeling it, and a lot of them called the gas company thinking there had been an explosion.

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