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@kismatt huh--green mountain on the Kitsap Peninsula? That's even closer to me than either of those parks, tho I wouldn't call it especially beautiful (not the parts of it I've seen anyway).

I live w/in driving distance of both Olympic & North Cascades national parks & I think I like the latter best. (Pic is from NCNP)

@LnzyHou heh--thanks!

It's very unfair how much better a photog my wife is than I am. There are way more good pics of me than there are of her...

I just got back from camping & so I haven't been as plugged into the news as normal. But I did get a notification about the Rohimi (sp?) case and I am *dying* to know how SCOTUS talked its way out of the Bruen rule.


“ Shortly after Judge Aileen M. Cannon drew the assignment in June 2023 to oversee former President Donald J. Trump’s classified documents case, two more experienced colleagues on the federal bench in Florida urged her to pass it up and hand it off to another jurist, according to two people briefed on the conversations.”

The Ten Commandments must be displaved in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law

Hey, all my windows using friends out there. Update windows. High priority. WiFi vulnerability present in the windows system, ALL versions, is patched to prevent remote code execution.

This is doubly important if you use a public wifi to connect frequently.

Thank you, and stay safe.

TFW you've written a whole dissertation of an e-mail reply explaining what sorts of boogeymen could possibly have fouled your data pull, including exploratory queries to probe those possibilities...

And then you see that you just forgot to update a date criterion, like a big dummy...

@gshevlin def seems perilous to bank on them changing--esp if there are other things you can be doing (which is the thrust of the article)

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