Fucking Gorsuch with his "we're deciding this for the ages" crap. Get over yourself dude--you're deciding this for however long it takes us to . Was Roe decided "for the ages"?

Biden should immediately dispatch Seal Team 6 to assassinate all SCOTUS justices who vote in favor of absolute presidential immunity.

saw a post on mastodon yesterday(?) that referred to trump as "an apex grifter" and I can not stop thinking about it.

am I the only one mildly enraged by news of Jeffrey Bossert Clark possibly being disbarred in one jurisdiction due to the fact that HE PARTICIPATED IN A CONSPIRACY TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES?

Uh, yeah--disbar him, but only as an automatic result of CONVICTING HIM OF SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY.

Or whatever charge you can make stick.

JFC white elites have impunity in this country.

I'm going to predict that the stay in the tax fraud case will give trump enough time to have the "thou shalt not transact this stock for 6 months" language in the SPAC agreement changed & he will promptly use that stock as collateral for a bond.

LOL @ news commentators bending themselves into pretzels trying to give Aileen Cannon the benefit of the sheerest gossamer "doubts".

She's crooked Yo. That's the rosetta stone that explains everything she's done on this case. Save your brain cycles.

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