
The Ten Commandments must be displaved in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law

@gemswinc Dammit! (said ironically but with real anger)

Someone needs to scratch out that pesky little commandment... "thou shalt not lie"

@Maude They disobey most of them every day in every way. @gemswinc


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." (U.S. Constitution.)

"No law shall be enacted respecting an
establishment of religion or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof." (Louisiana Constitution.)

Come to think of it... there are several they need to scratch off. 🤔

@gemswinc as an evangelical I think this is completely wrong, when is this insanity going to end ?

@gemswinc the Ten Commandments are for churches , schools are not churches .

The themselves don't obey the commandments! Are the students going to be taught that the commandments are a false moral narrative and meant to be broken/disobeyed?

@Kittiekatt53 I do believe that is the general message of the GOP


Funny, since most if not all of the lawmakers passing that bill violate the 9th commandment daily.

@amarand Sure does to me, all that "Lord thy God" stuff

@gemswinc We are deep into the transition to a theocraticly controlled sectarian society. This has never worked well for anyone except the few who control the many.

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