Geeze, is so pleasant. No negativity, attacks and ugly, offensive speech. Good old fashioned and intelligent social site.

Deck449 boosted

@Deck449 welcome. Yep, it's like Twitter before it got messy. There are also filters, so if someone isn't into politics they can simply add the keywords they don't like to not see it. On the flip side, if you're a political junkie, in advanced mode, you can assign a column to surface only those keywords.

Follow liberally as the good convos are usually in the replies that don't appear in the firehose. But, if you're not feeling someone, click the three dots to mute/block.

People actually post links with news sources and topics like twitter did befor it died? Nice! Finally!

Hello Everyone,
I'm new here, just looking around and trying to figure out the topic most people are interested in. Lot's of topics to choose from. My Topic is right, ChristoNationalism and fasicism in the US and around the worlld. Also following Putins intereference in this next election and Trump and fasicst GOP Putinites attempt to steal election 2024.
Hope everyone has a nice day


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