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Random question - does anyone else make a weekly menu? I find that it helps immensely because it cuts down on extra trips to the store, helps me use up the fresh produce I have on hand, and gets me to be more creative. Thoughts from others?

@Vozy That concept of internal weather is really interesting, it appeals to me. As humans we all understand (on some level at least) the concept of weather so applying the descriptions to internal sensations helps to convey that to others. Thank you so much for sharing this! It feels a bit like another adaptation of πŸ’š

1. I made the most amazing "veggie mess" to go with our salmon last night - not really a stir fry but similar, used anything I could find that seemed appropriate and it was awesome
2. today is CSA bag day which means more great local produce comes home with me
3. looking at my dance card for Saturday and it's packed - looking forward to it

BONUS - I'm just past the 1/2way point with the Sorceress Shawl project

@imagine_enigami Thanks! I got to the halfway point last night and my only concern is that I don't have as much yarn as the pattern suggests. I'm hoping a gentle blocking to stretch it out a wee bit will help.

And yes, rain, amazing. 🀩

@KodoAndSangha Most of my friends have a so we talk "spoons" regularly. I think people who aren't part of that community don't have a concrete way to understand that sometimes we just can't do things even when we want to. The helps convey that. πŸ’š

@KodoAndSangha This is a fantastic visual explanation, thank you for sharing it πŸ’š

@Yarnchick Thanks! It took a little bit for me to get the hang of it but now it's going quickly. I only have 2 skeins of the yarn so I know my scarf will be smaller, but with this kind of overall construction I'm planning to work as far as I can with the first skein and then start decreasing with the second skein. It should work well. And this is another case of "oooh pretty! I need that yarn" with no idea at the time wtf it could become. πŸ˜‚

Morning y'all! I took a brief, spontaneous break from screens over the long weekend. I missed you all, but I had a good time. Photo collage as tax. πŸ˜‰

1. it's raining today
2. I had a really relaxing and productive long weekend
3. I'm almost to the 1/2 way point with the Sorceress Scarf (top pic)

1. I work for someone who knows that if he really doesn't want the answer, he shouldn't ask the question. And then he listens when I ask.
2. I learned to do the mosaic so that I can lead a demo at an education day event that my local and guild is having in the fall, and all of that makes me happy
3. tonight is date night, tomorrow is farmer's market, guild meetup, then friends over for dinner and games

BONUS - I don't go back to work until 7/5 😎

@Yarnchick You're welcome! I had never done mosaic before and her instructions were pretty darn good. I do think next time I'll make sure not to use brown yarn but have that as "yarn A" instead of "yarn B" - that made my brain hurt. πŸ˜‚

1. I found a nice free pattern on Ravelry for making a mosaic coaster yesterday and it's going quite well
2. I'm working on campus today and managed to get here and in the building before the torrential downpour started
3. I feel *fierce* today, which is good because I'm fully prepared to stand my ground during a meeting

@Helical_Code I'll have to check that out, not one I'm familiar with. Thanks!

@Yarnchick Exactly. I'm contemplating learning to do brioche for this, as an excuse, but I'm not 100% sold on that yet. I do love the Cable it Up pattern for a quick knit, but I did a shorter one of those for her using sock yarn already, so I feel like I want to do something a little different this time. I am also honestly considering a quick crocheted scarf using the V-stitch I've been using for damn near everything lately. It's easy and quick and looks lovely.

So. Many. Choices. 😢

@Yarnchick Her words "a giant thick scarf" which is 100% not what I normally make. I'm with you - my go to is sock yarn and something more shaped. I've found a few things that might work, but I think I'm going to have to investigate what all I have on hand.

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