TomeReader boosted

Please everyone be careful and stay safe. These tornado outbreaks are awful. 😢🙏

I sprinkled a smoked jalapeño sauce on some leftover pasta. This might have been a mistake, albeit a very delicious one. 🔥 🤯 🔥

Someone needs to investigate that gravel pit. She’s a psycho.

TomeReader boosted

New Song!

It's been too long, honestly, so I'm glad to be at it again. Give it a listen if you need some slow, hot, and soulful blues guitar in your life.

I love how he mentions the system keeping the people around that table rich, then the host quickly pivets the discussion to social media. 😆

The eclipse, hands down. At totality, the sky above turned silver, and the horizon had the pink/orange tint of sunset. It was stunning. There are plenty of pictures of the corona, but I've yet to see one that captured that silver sky.

I'd boil it down to money. The bigger universities have more political influence and make lots of investments. The protests and the crackdowns are basically a fight over how the universities use their money.

I have a few prisms hanging up. This is what they do to my dining room ceiling. ❤️

TomeReader boosted

I may have missed something but here’s my flag for you all.

Can confirm: The "May contain wheat ingredients" warning on a box of Kix cereal should be heeded. 😫

Okay, I need to go do other things.

Remember everyone, today's arguments have people on edge. Take a step back, take a deep breath, protect your brain.

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