I have a few prisms hanging up. This is what they do to my dining room ceiling. ❤️

Me, being negative. Show more

We had another clear sky tonight. Have a good night, CoSo. Hugs to all who need one.

I’m excited for the Fallout 4 reissue, so I put in my PS4 game, which I haven’t played in over a year. I forgot I turned my home base into Christmas Town. 😂

I had a long lovely walk through a few parks, then stopped by the local Earth Day fair. Picked up a booklet about rain gardens, which I totally want to make! It has a heavy emphasis on native plants. ❤️

I ordered these adorable Dogmeat tokens from an Etsy shop named CatsAndCantrips. The artist makes really cute tokens and playmats! I couldn’t resist buying these.

The stubborn camera-avoider, er, noble profile of a cat who aced her Senior Kitty Wellness bloodwork. 👍👍

Even though this view was an entire mood, it was mild out. Good weather for walking.

Husband donated platelets today. I might have to steal this one.

I wish my species was smarter, or at least had smarter humans making the decisions. Patsy agrees with me. She says we’re only good as cat beds.

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