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Dark Branden showed up and kicked butt. 😎
There’s nothing this man hasn’t seen, heard, experienced in politics which was clear last night
Glad he didn’t take my advice 😜

Biden should cancel SOTU at Congress. Broadcast the speech from Oval.
MAGA Rs will turn the Congressional SOTU into a sh…tshow.
Biden needs a solid message to get thru to audience on Thursday, not to be distracted.

A good friend of mine, who has been a mentor in creativity has just posted his first substack (not yet set up for payments, free). An interesting, funny, generous soul who has lived many lives. Please give it a quick read and help him get his legs on a new platform. Thx Coso fam.

We learned today that this beautiful creature, a rescue who has given us 20 yrs of love, will be crossing the rainbow bridge sooner than later. We will give her as many treats and hugs as she will accept, because, of course she is a cat and is in charge.

I don’t agree with Christie on many things, but, this speech is impactful and honest.
Hopefully some of the GOP who have lost their way LISTEN and ACT.

We the people…..

Can someone fact ck me, please.
Regardless of whether states keep frump off the ballot he can still be nominated as the GOP candidate for Pres during the Republican convention.

Is there a secure, free password manager that works with both Chrome and Safari that you tech folks would recommend?

Political BREAK! Who else absolutely loves Bonnie Raitt??
She is def-nightly on my DIVA list!!

Naughts. A small problem relative to what’s going on in the world, but could use some help.
I have something digging large burrows in our yard under bushes (central Fl). We see rabbits, squirrels and raccoons but these holes are bigger and getting bigger. Thinking armadillos (invasive). What do I do?

Now may be a good time for Exec branch to invoke its powers and put all ammo and weapons production for the ‘consumer’ market on hold and use capacity to replenish stock for military and defense of ourselves and allies. All we need now is for China or N Korea to make a move to destabilize their part of the world.

I like Nancy Pelosi, but she is absolutely wrong to run again. She should instead mentor and direct campaigns for younger politicians.

I feel like it's time for Pentagon to claim eminent domain over starlink for Ukraine. We're not going to sink all that money so Elon can make his pee pee feel bigger

17-year-old Putri Ariani from Indonesia
Golden Buzzer: Putri Ariani receives the GOLDEN BUZZER from Simon Cowell...

What has happened to us? Critical cancer drugs shortage and FDA green lights importing from China.

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Tbdev 🌻 ☮️ 🇺🇸

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.