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Ya, I am a "Boomer"

Now that my generation has more or less shot its load, has depleted its Sturm und Drang, after many decades of horseplay that seemed like they would never end, many of us have turned our sights to the next generation, investing in it as best we know how. Show me someone on the cusp of 70 who still has “looking out for Number One” as their principal mode of being, and I will show you someone for whom it is already too late to die an untimely death.

@BenA @BillieBun

Plus it’s ridiculously low coverage! “Free Dental Coverage” is limited to $1k- $1500 per year which doesn’t cover much! Vision coverage is the same con .

If you know any people about to choose MEDICAREtell them to ONLY CHOOSE ORIGINAL MEDICARE…. do not choose “Medicare Advantage” that’s a regular insurance company over that costs a lot more wit dramatically limited choice in doctors, treatment & covered medicine !

Hmm, yo Rs, if you can’t find your way to voting for a D for prez but know TFG is/will be a disaster, can you just write in “Stormy Daniels”.

It’s maddening.
Marco, Ted, GOP et al if you can no longer support the rule of law you should no longer be lawmakers.
A bunch of sore losers and crybabies is what you are, as far from what our citizens deserve for representation as one can get, in the gutter is where you have made your bed. Enjoy the orange one’s bedtime stories b/c if he gets re-elected he will be your nightmare.

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RIP Dickey Betts
His legacy will live on. Sweet Melissa is such a beautiful love song.

If you ever have a chance to see these guys, the show is fantastic. Son, Duane Betts, and Devon Allman (Gregg’s son)
AllmanBetts Experience

The young man looks troubled. Does he have a conscience?
Does he have a moral compass that points him to true north?
Let's all hope so.

On this day of resurrection for Christians, may we take a moment to bring ourselves down to earth and consider what we take for granted.

Letter to God #6
Dear G,
I had a thought today. If I invited You, Brahman, Allah, Yahweh, and Waheguru to coffee and only one of you showed up, do you think people would realize you are all one and the same, or would they assume only one accepted the invite?

He’s still sneezy and wheezy this morning but he ate breakfast!
About 4:30 he parked himself on my chest, tucked his paws into his chest and fell sound asleep for about 15 minutes. I watched him breathe.
Thanks all for your ideas. They worked.

The pollen has been so bad this year one if my cats is sneezing and is so congested. His appetite sucks b/c he can barely smell. Been to the vet, had X-rays. No sign of probs in lungs, diag = allergy. Doing prednelosone daily.
How long that will take to clear.. any ideas?
Anything more I can do to make the poor guy more comfortable?

Thanks for checking out my "May I Have A Word, Please" Substack!

CoSo Fam,
I started a substack using material I've been writing for years and never did anything with. Posts are scheduled for once a day, with notes ad hoc as I'm feeling it.
Please check it out.

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Tbdev 🌻 ☮️ 🇺🇸

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.