Thx for the smile in the timeline.
After this week, it’s soooooo welcome.

@Redskye572 and

thing is, it’s not just the man trump anymore.
He’s not the one pulling the strings, or thinking strategically. He’s the train wreck we can’t stop watching while the damage is done by people who we don’t even know the names of.
We’re in this mess for the long haul. May Karma be swift and just to all who have sold their souls, lost their moral compass, and know nothing but hate and retribution.

Wait. Spent $8 million to save $589k. Did I do that math right??

It just occurred to me , he’s the new National Enquirer front page headline (click bait) writer.

I have Scorpio ex and Scorpio sister issues
I feel ya

Won’t “support “ isn’t the same as won’t vote for him.
Every sane R who can’t bring themselves to go for Biden should write in “Stormy Daniels”

Thank you for the memory.
Just listened to Wiilin’, Ronstadt b/c of your nudge .


He’s refining his set for his stand-up debut at the comedy store.

Then the Supremes need to be threatened as was Justice Kennedy by TFG when TFG was caught on camera whispering in JK’s ear about JK’s son’s involvement in TFG’s dealings with Deutche Bank.
Fire with fire.
Ask forgiveness not permission.
This election is it.

Ya, I am a "Boomer"

Now that my generation has more or less shot its load, has depleted its Sturm und Drang, after many decades of horseplay that seemed like they would never end, many of us have turned our sights to the next generation, investing in it as best we know how. Show me someone on the cusp of 70 who still has “looking out for Number One” as their principal mode of being, and I will show you someone for whom it is already too late to die an untimely death.


Not surprising. They are a family.
The folks around TFG are well-compensated actors.

That’s what Martha Stewart went to jail for.
AND, if charged &convicted musk could no longer be a party to Govt contracts!!!
Watch that space.

She’s probably wearing it so she isn’t recognized.

@BenA @BillieBun

Plus it’s ridiculously low coverage! “Free Dental Coverage” is limited to $1k- $1500 per year which doesn’t cover much! Vision coverage is the same con .

If you know any people about to choose MEDICAREtell them to ONLY CHOOSE ORIGINAL MEDICARE…. do not choose “Medicare Advantage” that’s a regular insurance company over that costs a lot more wit dramatically limited choice in doctors, treatment & covered medicine !

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Tbdev 🌻 ☮️ 🇺🇸

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