
Ya, I am a "Boomer"

Now that my generation has more or less shot its load, has depleted its Sturm und Drang, after many decades of horseplay that seemed like they would never end, many of us have turned our sights to the next generation, investing in it as best we know how. Show me someone on the cusp of 70 who still has “looking out for Number One” as their principal mode of being, and I will show you someone for whom it is already too late to die an untimely death.

@corlin I don't blame anyone who can empathize with those who come after, especially when there are so many still working so hard to make an already perilous future even worse.

@corlin I'm a Boomer, too, but I cannot relate to the part you wrote about how we Boomers totally fucked up. I've never lived in suburban house, I've been "poor' most of my life, I have "lived simply so that others maybe simply live," I have worked for numerous causes (antiwar, feminist, environment) to make the world better. I do indeed agree with you that we should continue do what we can to make things better for everyone, including those coming behind us. BoomerOK.


And yes, not all Boomers.

This is my take, and I don’t speak for anyone but me.

Perhaps I should expand this to explain better.

Good point.


@corlin We humans tend to put everyone into groups. That doesn't always work. Thank you for being so thoughtful.

@CJShaneArtBooks @corlin

Okay boomers. To every boomer who has followed these principles; basically hanging slightly better than poverty and working to make everything better. Respond with:


@CJShaneArtBooks @corlin

Non-fucked up boomer here too. Sick of being maligned. I’ll compare my protest arrest record with anyone from ANY generation.

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