
The pollen has been so bad this year one if my cats is sneezing and is so congested. His appetite sucks b/c he can barely smell. Been to the vet, had X-rays. No sign of probs in lungs, diag = allergy. Doing prednelosone daily.
How long that will take to clear.. any ideas?
Anything more I can do to make the poor guy more comfortable?

He’s still sneezy and wheezy this morning but he ate breakfast!
About 4:30 he parked himself on my chest, tucked his paws into his chest and fell sound asleep for about 15 minutes. I watched him breathe.
Thanks all for your ideas. They worked.

@Tbdev Air purifier near the preferred sleeping spot? Change the outer layer of bedding regularly? 🍀💛

@Tbdev Take him into a steamy bathroom. Serve him chicken breasts and bacon. He will be able to smell the bacon and is more likely to eat. We saved a kitten with feline respiratory virus doing this.

Damn, I wouldn’t mind that myself. 😉 We’ll do it. Thank you.

@Tbdev I warm up a little water on the cat dish in the microwave and than mix his wet food in… it heats up the cat food without stinking up the microwave and it makes the cat food easier for the Puttycat to smell. 😻

That’s brilliant. Warm water then add it to the food. I’ve been heating the food and ohh does it stink!

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