
How do you thread posts that exceed the word limit?

@Tbdev just reply to your own post and then reply to your reply and so..on

or if you are using CoSo on laptop/PC you can go into simplified mode and tap the + icon in the text input field that will allow you to create a thread and post all at once

@Tbdev I believe in Advanced mode, people just keep replying to their own original post.

In simplified mode, there is also a + button to let you draft them all at once and submit them together.


A lot of folks just do stream of consciousness, type as you go. Many of us will type and then end each one as 1/x 2/x and then 3/3 for the last one. Write 1/x, submit, then reply to 1/x to make 2/x. That keeps things nice and threaded.

There may be some other technique folks are using, but that’s what I do.


So this is my second one, so I’d say:


At the end. I’m sure you know how to reply to your own posts but here’s a pic with an arrow.

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