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There is a fine line between genius and mental instability and these men are teetering along it.

Nine years old. This is what my life looked like. Nothing fancy, just a shy, gangly kid whose fears might have included disappointing my dad, skinning my knee, or getting poison ivy in the woods behind my house. Watching our “leaders” mumble and shrug as nine-year-old kids are shredded by assault weapons is incomprehensible to me. They’re allowing a generation of American children to be traumatized for life. I am thankful every day to be old, born into a time when childhood was safe.

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries has asked FBI Director Chris Wray to open a Criminal Investigation into the Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and the USPS Board of Governors. BOOST IF YOU WOULD SUPPORT AN INVESTIGATION


In this moment of relative calm (as far as I can tell)

I just want to give thanks to @th3j35t3r

While we enjoy a peaceful, constructive, and caring oasis here in CoSo, he's the target of attacks on this platform, his integrity, his past, his character...all of it.

Thank you for putting up with SO much and defending against unceasing detractors so that we can enjoy ourselves here.

given, daily.

And by this time, it's okay to throw hatred at the other people.

Because the other people are doing horrible wretched things that everything around you, from every source, tells you is true.

It will split you from friends, from family, from everybody who doesn't think like you do.

And the scariest part of all this, it isn't even human controlled or directed. It's an algorithm doing what it does, given one task, to get more clicks and engage people. It doesn't care. It doesn't know.



We've been listening to you.

Native Light-Mode is now available to ALL users of the web application and official mobile app. And it's in your preferences now!

cc: @th3j35t3r

Perhaps the could become a digital repository of archives users have chosen to download and preserve.
One would think that the thoughts and trends discussed on a worldwide public square would be valuable to in a centralized location.
We may never see such a voluminous collection of diverse views on so many subjects in our lifetimes again.

Doing a spatchcock turkey for Thanksgiving. Suggestions for a brine?

To and all , thank you for your service defending our values 🇺🇸
Tango down

☕️ A blustery day, Pooh Bear. She’ll be on top of us in about an hour.

Obama is an extraordinary orator. Practically the only politician I enjoy listening to. And… he’s fine 😋

Anyone out there with a splenic aneurysm? Mine went from 7 mm to 12 mm in 1 year. It's situated close to the spleen and Doc feels they'll need to take the spleen. I'm sensitive to antibiotics and don't relish loosing my built-in infection fighter.

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Tbdev 🌻 ☮️ 🇺🇸

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.