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in an attempt to reduce costs, Twitter is now asking users to for permission to use their phones' storage space for their servers

I love mysteries. I love foreign intrigue. I love historical fiction. I especially love anything with lots of action and crazy plot twists. Tell Cersi it was me. Any suggestions?

Gonna get hotter every day this week in Philly until we get to 97 Friday. I am NOT a summer person. Good week for housework (is there even such a thing lol). Looking forward to the day anyway. I love Mondays! Good morning!

RFK Jr. suffers from two chronic conditions: Spasmodic Dysphonia and Spasmodic Disinformation.

Donald Trump is fucked from a legal standpoint, and he knows it, and for that reason alone, he is more dangerous than he has ever been to American democracy. Be vigilant. Watch, and remain aware of everything that he does. Whatever you do America, do NOT let Donald Trump win another election! If that happens, instead of Trump being fucked, it will be America that ends up fucked!

@PhillyBella @feloneouscat
I moved back to Florida from Seattle to be with my grandkids. The struggle is real

@feloneouscat I’m so sorry for everyone who has to deal with living in a red state. PA has its share of right wingers, but my city is as blue as it gets and I’m very thankful for that.


“New academic standards slammed as "a big step backward" will require teachers to instruct that enslaved people ‘developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit’”

Get an education in Florida, never go to college anywhere else.

They are attempting to lie to children.

@LnzyHou @LiberalLibrarian @CinnamonGirlE @PhillyBella Maybe you have something there..
I read today Murkowski (Alaska) said she'd vote for him 🤔 she could never vote for a Dem or they'd catapult her across the water, lol. Conventional wisdom says this hurts Biden but I'm not sure about that. Do people understand what is at stake?

@feloneouscat this idiot should be concerned that Miami is going under water literally. Instead he spreads lies and racism.

@LnzyHou @cjcrew @PhillyBella

I hear things like that a lot, mostly from Republicans telling me the whole party isn't insane - in private they don't like him or his bullshit.

It infuriates me. They know the damage he's done & the worse damage he'd like to do and instead of speaking out, they complain to each other in hallways. Better, apparently, for the country to be fucked than for them to lose their govt gig & have to get a real job.

@UmbaSaffire @PhillyBella @tgraph52 @LnzyHou
Trump cannot do it, I don't care what the polls say, he can't win a national election, again.
Just 2 days ago, the rapist Trump [the $5million rapist, according to a NY state civil court] said that he would pick Putin over NATO. # BAGGAGE

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