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@UmbaSaffire @Bix @PhillyBella @LnzyHou

the last poll I saw had Biden ahead by 4pts...

but anyone relying on polls in July 2023 for a Nov 2024 election in which one candidate is under multiple indictments is wasting their time

@UmbaSaffire @PhillyBella @tgraph52 @LnzyHou @peeppeepcircus
The DC Metro Police could have said that the Capitol is a fed problem. But, instead they paid in blood.
Please indict Trump for the

@tgraph52 @Bix @PhillyBella @LnzyHou @Eulimnadian @InUnfunky I hope some of members of House referred to when he said to the Attorney Gen to just say there was election fraud and that he and the members of congress would take care of the rest... those can guess who they might be.

@tgraph52 @PhillyBella @LnzyHou
The next indictment is going to be GREAT, I cannot wait to read it.
The Michigan state AG has been working with the US DOJ [in my opinion]. The MI fake electors case will link with fed case.
Trump will have to defend the listed traitorous deeds on the campaign trail.

@tgraph52 @PhillyBella @LnzyHou
My guess is that legal problems knock Trump out within a year.

@LnzyHou @PhillyBella @BrazenlyLiberal Those old school Republicans are few and far between. They had a “cleansing” of their party and kick any moderate or sane member to the curb.

@LnzyHou @PhillyBella

She scares me. She has real integrity and a lot of people are going to respond to that & vote for her. They lose track of the fact she's also her father's daughter and, like him, a pretty hard core right-winger.

- opposes any efforts to codify abortion rights
- opposes any additional taxes on anyone including the wealthiest
- opposes expansion of federal funding to support Social Security & Medicare but supports increased defense spending

@LnzyHou @PhillyBella

- supports *lowering* corporate taxes
-does not support govt funding to develop renewable energy
- does not support federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions
- does not support gun control legislation
- wants to repeal the ACA

@LnzyHou @LiberalLibrarian @CinnamonGirlE Christie has no shot. They’re still mad at him for being grateful to Obama for the quick response to Hurricane Sandy.

@BrazenlyLiberal @LnzyHou yes she’s very conservative. She has personal integrity and political courage which is nice to see but she’s Red through and through.

@donswartwout I wish they would tell us how many words to Queen Bee like they do to the other levels. I got way above genius but hard to keep going without knowing how far you are. Congrats!

@PussyFootingAround Tim Scott is seen as a “moderate” and big money is interested. I love Joe Biden but his age will hurt him. He has my vote but most Dems in my circle would rather a Pete or Gretchen.

@tgraph52 @LnzyHou he’ll never win the general and I think the GOP realizes that.


Still believing Cheney will run. She will nail his shoes to the floor 👞

The magats will not care how many times Trump is indicted. They won’t care if he’s convicted. They will call anti-Trump Republicans RINOS and they will die on that hill. I hope there are enough of them to keep Tim Scott from the nomination. I think he would give POTUS a tight race.

Our sources near Bakhmut report that Russians applied poison gas against Ukrainian soldiers. It's not the first time when there are cases of poison gas applied by the Russian army. The previous case took place on July 5th
Symptoms that Ukrainian soldiers report: nausea, headache, dizziness, respiratory tract irritation. Ukrainian soldiers used gas masks to protect themselves against the attack. Photo is real, made today. - Russia violates all possible rules and customs of war

This is Biscotti. She’s 1 1/2, neutered, lovable, an in an unsustainable situation in Philly. She’s good with other cats. Desperately needs a home.

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