The magats will not care how many times Trump is indicted. They won’t care if he’s convicted. They will call anti-Trump Republicans RINOS and they will die on that hill. I hope there are enough of them to keep Tim Scott from the nomination. I think he would give POTUS a tight race.


Still believing Cheney will run. She will nail his shoes to the floor 👞

@LnzyHou @PhillyBella

She scares me. She has real integrity and a lot of people are going to respond to that & vote for her. They lose track of the fact she's also her father's daughter and, like him, a pretty hard core right-winger.

- opposes any efforts to codify abortion rights
- opposes any additional taxes on anyone including the wealthiest
- opposes expansion of federal funding to support Social Security & Medicare but supports increased defense spending


@LnzyHou @PhillyBella

- supports *lowering* corporate taxes
-does not support govt funding to develop renewable energy
- does not support federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions
- does not support gun control legislation
- wants to repeal the ACA

@BrazenlyLiberal @LnzyHou yes she’s very conservative. She has personal integrity and political courage which is nice to see but she’s Red through and through.

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