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And yesterday my journey ended. Two years ago I had my port put in and started my first chemo. 18 months ago I had my last chemo and was declared NED (no evidence of disease). Today I had my chemo port removed. I’m so grateful, I can’t stop crying. It’s over. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!

@dauphin87 I bought it. It comes bottled like soy sauce.

Stir fried veggies in sesame garlic sauce, riced cauliflower, crispy tofu. Dinner!

@Shilohx @LlamaMountainStudioArts never heard “christianists” used before. But I get it. “Christian” and “patriot” are only two of the many words the magats have stolen and redefined. We need to get our language back!!!

As we start our day let’s remember that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE today! And that when we smile at someone we are likely to get one back in return! Happy Tuesday! ❤️❤️❤️

She was 16 and on a date and he was 18 when he crashed a party and somehow got her number. And so it began. On their first date he stood up in the fancy restaurant and announced he was going to marry her. A lifetime of love and devotion. I know they are dancing to Sentimental Journey in heaven today. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! ❤️❤️❤️

Another day, another flood watch. Good morning from hot and soggy Philly! ❤️❤️❤️

@BrentSullivan hahaha. I was working at a high stress job and at age 74 stage 4 ovarian cancer treatment forced me into retirement. Two years later I’m cancer free and missing work like crazy. You don’t know what you got til it’s gone. 🤷‍♀️

To those of you blessed to be still working, enjoy your weekend! To we who are retired, let’s enjoy our day and find meaning in it! Happy Friday!

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