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@Shelter hah! Around here they won’t stop for weeks.

@nealfig I saw it when it originally ran in 1967 and several times after. My father was a Trekkie.

@nealfig I can’t tell you how many times this came to mind over the years. Gene Roddenberry was incredible.

Sunday! Church this morning and “Dinner and a Double Feature” with my real life Golden Girls this evening! Enjoy your day! ❤️❤️❤️

Went to see Cinderella and Winger last night and I’m still in an 80s hair band kind of mood. Join me!

In honor of my half birthday today I thought I’d pull one from the archives. My mom, aunts, and grandparents. Good morning!

Good morning Beautiful People!

Remember: Focusing on the good is a super power that is within you. Unleash it today. 🤩

18 months since my last chemo. It’s like my hair gets longer every day 😇

@LnzyHou travesty for sure. I’m reminded of the beginning of the AIDS epidemic when death seemed imminent for all who were stricken. Except Magic Johnson. We live in a world divided. The haves and have nots. Until every life is as precious as every other life this world will remain broken.

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