The magats will not care how many times Trump is indicted. They won’t care if he’s convicted. They will call anti-Trump Republicans RINOS and they will die on that hill. I hope there are enough of them to keep Tim Scott from the nomination. I think he would give POTUS a tight race.


How would Tim Scott give POTUS a tight race?

I agree with everything else you said especially they will LITERALLY starve to death on that hill.

@PussyFootingAround Tim Scott is seen as a “moderate” and big money is interested. I love Joe Biden but his age will hurt him. He has my vote but most Dems in my circle would rather a Pete or Gretchen.


Right. Most Dems will vote for a dem. Republicans are not voting for Scott. He has no chance against Biden and Harris. The independent vote is always the target audience. As an unaffiliated voter, Tim Scott was appointed for his blackness to head and shape criminal justice reform. Not only did he do nothing, but his party ignored him out right. There is legitimately no way he will be anything other than a figure head. Like a white Trump. Told what to do by the party on all fronts.


No. If :Asshat: this clown doesn't win the nomination, and I think that is a possibility, I think someone like Hutchinson will be the nominee.

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