The magats will not care how many times Trump is indicted. They won’t care if he’s convicted. They will call anti-Trump Republicans RINOS and they will die on that hill. I hope there are enough of them to keep Tim Scott from the nomination. I think he would give POTUS a tight race.


Still believing Cheney will run. She will nail his shoes to the floor 👞

@LnzyHou @PhillyBella

Does anyone really believe that trump isn't the GOP 2024 nominee?

@tgraph52 @LnzyHou he’ll never win the general and I think the GOP realizes that.

@PhillyBella @tgraph52 @LnzyHou
Trump can't win the election, which is why he has started to directly call for violence to get his way.

@Bix @PhillyBella @tgraph52 @LnzyHou I think we're in for some dicey times - he's going to pull out all stops--and it appears the GOP will assist him (some of them may fear legal liability too) in order to stay out of prison, he's got a lot riding on getting re-elected allegedly so he can pardon himself and others - does anyone know whether it is a given he could pardon himself? People talk as if it is and I once read it's never actually been put to the test, so it is not a given. ??


@UmbaSaffire @PhillyBella @tgraph52 @LnzyHou
Trump cannot do it, I don't care what the polls say, he can't win a national election, again.
Just 2 days ago, the rapist Trump [the $5million rapist, according to a NY state civil court] said that he would pick Putin over NATO. # BAGGAGE

@Bix @PhillyBella @tgraph52 @LnzyHou
I refuse to believe he can win too Bix - polls can be misleading and subject to many factors.

@UmbaSaffire @Bix @PhillyBella @LnzyHou

the last poll I saw had Biden ahead by 4pts...

but anyone relying on polls in July 2023 for a Nov 2024 election in which one candidate is under multiple indictments is wasting their time

@tgraph52 @UmbaSaffire @PhillyBella @LnzyHou
The GOP is locked in, the base wants their traitorous rapist.

@tgraph52 @Bix @PhillyBella @LnzyHou yes that was encouraging to see tb (though it's still mind-boggling to me it's showing up as that close!)

@UmbaSaffire @PhillyBella @tgraph52 @LnzyHou
@UmbaSaffire @PhillyBella @tgraph52 @LnzyHou
If Trump is around next year, a Biden PAC will run the ads, "the 5 million dollar rapist."

@Bix @UmbaSaffire @PhillyBella @LnzyHou

I usually describe him as the twice impeached twice indicted sexually abusing corrupt ignorant lying racist grifter...

but that's just me 😎

@tgraph52 @Bix @UmbaSaffire @PhillyBella @LnzyHou We do have legal dispensation to call him a rapist as of a day or two ago.

@UmbaSaffire @PhillyBella @tgraph52 @LnzyHou
The GOP shits on my whole American world.
My dad served in Vietnam.
I served in West Germany.
As a fed, I had a TS clearance for 30 years.
They beat my city's police officers that were trying to protect a whole branch of the government.


most of my concern and disgust with the GOP comes from the authoritarian agenda they promote for the world my kids, my grandkids and my greatgrandkids will be living in...

that can't occur.

@UmbaSaffire @PhillyBella @tgraph52 @LnzyHou @peeppeepcircus
The DC Metro Police could have said that the Capitol is a fed problem. But, instead they paid in blood.
Please indict Trump for the

@Bix @PhillyBella @tgraph52 @LnzyHou they really have Bix 💔🤬 I often think about how hard it must be for those like yourself, your dad, the police and their family members who put their lives on the line/lost lives to see what's happening with the GOP now and how they then turn around and claim to be the true patriots🤬

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