
@LnzyHou @cjcrew @PhillyBella

I hear things like that a lot, mostly from Republicans telling me the whole party isn't insane - in private they don't like him or his bullshit.

It infuriates me. They know the damage he's done & the worse damage he'd like to do and instead of speaking out, they complain to each other in hallways. Better, apparently, for the country to be fucked than for them to lose their govt gig & have to get a real job.

@BrazenlyLiberal @LnzyHou @cjcrew @PhillyBella it’s one’s like that, that you hope you’d never have to serve in combat with

@SupplySgt @LnzyHou @cjcrew @PhillyBella

If I'm serving in combat with them or anyone, this country is in the worst shape possible!😆

I get your meaning, though. It would be worse than fighting alone.

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