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A CoSoNaut posted about a chocolate dinosaur advent calendar recently. If you are that person or saw that post, I would love to know where I might buy the chocolate dinosaurs.

@Liliki Here’s to beneficial results and a smooth recovery! 🥂

@LnzyHou @AskTheDevil @NiveusLepus @Jorro
Well I’ve made plenty of mistakes, so maybe I shouldn’t throw stones…

@SECRET_ASIAN_MAN @disk4mat I love Fiennes, and I am also interested in it because my birth family was very Catholic.

Like you, I am interested. I am waiting for it to be free also.

Carnivorous Topics Show more

@rpardee @CanisPundit Yes, the tax credit was a huge motivator for us. I think it will soon be history, but maybe if one is lucky there is time?

@SandHillThicket I have had both lamb chops and ground meat in moussaka which could have been either lamb or mutton- not sure which. Both were delicious. 😋

Good grief - this country is so pro-life it is unbelievable. NBC is featuring a story about medical debt - “New Parents Facing Childbirth Debt Crisis.”

If you have the option of replacing you furnace with a heat pump you might want to consider that? Everyone’s situation varies, but we did this about 2 years ago and it is a huge win in multiple ways.

@SandHillThicket You are making me hungry - for licorice - but it makes me curious about something else. (I will preface my question: I eat and & enjoy many kinds of meat, including mutton. I also think sheep are lovely creatures who contribute lots of good things to our world.) Do you eat meat, and if so, do you eat mutton?

@LaurelGreen The BEST thing for all of us who love kids is getting to see our own again! ❤️

@stueytheround @Greytdog
Bravo!!! Also a great gift for a child, (or a person of any age really,) who is interested in dinosaurs. 🦖

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