OK--move update.

My sister and her husband went to look at an apartment for me over the weekend. It's the top floor of a large house with five apartments total. It's in good condition, in a decent neighborhood.
Because of being the top story, it's got steep ceilings and funky shaped rooms which I like but will make bookcases a challenge. And it's up two flights of stairs, which will be good for me, once I get used to them. And there's no laundry onside, but a laundromat around the corner.

I am a little concerned about getting furniture up those stairs.

And about bad days with my hip arthritis... though I honestly think that regularly using the stairs will greatly help with that in the long term.

The laundry will be a PITA, but will force me to get outside at least once a week.

I could keep looking... but I think I'm going to take this place. Which means a major item off my checklist, and I can move in by the end of the year!

(Though probably it'll be January 1 or 2nd.)

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