Flowers again, now a fond memory, but shared in the interest of promoting sanity - probably primarily my sanity… 😂🤣😂

Good morning, fellow CoSoNauts. Yesterday afternoon I saw this bug in my petunias. If any of you happen to know what it is I would love to know. Thank goodness it doesn’t appear to be a spotted lanternfly.

This photo didn’t capture it adequately, but the sunlight comes through the new leaf near the light and it literally GLOWS PINK.😎

We saw an unusually vivid rainbow yesterday evening near Bella Vista, Arkansas.

I have never had good luck with petunias in Kansas after mid July. This year I decided to see if I could do better. Thanks to a watering schedule, a fertilizing schedule, a bacterium called spinosad, and finally plants with better heat and humidity tolerance, I am pleased.

This morning I discovered a flower on an ornamental sweet potato vine. 👀

I always want to see flowers, so I bring flowers from Beauly in 2018.

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